

How to live your best life as you age.

How to Live Your Best Life as You Age

As we age, many of us think more about the future and plan for what we want to do in our golden years. While these are natural thoughts, it’s also important to remember that life is an ongoing process even as we age. There’s no single way for an older person to live their best life – each person has different priorities and interests. But there are some general guidelines that can help you live a fulfilling life as you grow older. Here are a few tips on how to live your best life as you age.

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two hands over a marble table with red nail polish

The Skin Microbiome—Everything You Need To Know

The skin microbiome is the community of microorganisms that live on the skin. It’s made up of tiny organisms that share space and resources to thrive. Our skin has the potential to be a diverse habitat for a range of species. Nearly one trillion living microbes can be found per square centimeter of our skin! Most of these microbes are bacteria, with a smattering of fungi thrown in for good measure.

The skin microbiome is a living collection of microbes—such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses— that inhabit the surface of the skin. These microbes can vary widely in composition depending upon their location on the skin and things like genetic makeup, diet, and lifestyle choices.

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white essential oil diffuser with smoke coming out of it.
Essential Oils

Outdoor essential oil diffusers, why use them.

When it comes to enjoying the benefits of essential oils, there are many ways to use them. You can use them in an essential oil diffuser or a humidifier, add them to your bath water, spray or mist them, or even apply them topically by mixing them with a carrier oil and applying them directly to your skin. However, one of our favorite ways is using essential oil diffusers.

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